PT Perkebunan Nusantara I

PTPN I is a state enterprises that operate to manage, process and market the plantation products.

PT Perkebunan Nusantara I

PTPN I is a state enterprises that operate to manage, process and market the plantation products.

Natural Wrapper

The best grade of wrapper. The characteristics : clean, sound leave, evenly ripe brown color.

Painting Wrapper

It is characterized by bright ripeness, uneven color, and a coarse/thick leaf texture.

Light Painting Wrapper

It is characterized ripe by uneven color, the color of the leaves ranging from yellowish to brownish

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Your contact person

Landi Rizaldi Mangaweang

Marketing & Asset Management Director

Teddy Yunirman Danas

President Director

Indri Dwi Wiyanti

Tobacco Marketing

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Gedung Agro Plaza Lt. 14 Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav. X2-1 Kuningan Jakarta




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